Tuesday, January 3, 2012

November Meeting of Tri-C Partners 4 Progress

The Steering Committee met on Monday, Nov. 28th at 7:30 in the Abbey's seminarian cafeteria.  In attendance were Rick Behrens, Fr. Benedict, Catharine Ginther, Mary Lee Meyer, Jane Walters, Fr. Joel, Jane Pappert, Fr. Daniel and Sr. Sophia.

The opening question posed was "What are you thankful for?"  Answers varied from community meetings and celebrations of jubilees to having nobody injured in the storm in August and recovery being underway; the trip to Great Bend; moving into new house and monastery; a good friend's wedding; vacation time and family; good weather that allows work to be done on buildings.

Conference Reports and Reflections:  Fr. Joel and Mary Lee shared their experiences of the conference in Great Bend and Tony submitted a written synopsis of his experience.  

Action Team Reports:  RAT - December 3rd meeting of new businesses in this area, "Growing Your Business."  CART - they are working on the business directories, hoping to have a competition among the youth for the best cover design.  BAT (Business Accelerator Team) - ideas on a window sticker that lets people know they are a "Tri-C Business Booster;" the team is focusing on working with youth to help foster entrepreneurial/business star up skills; Tri-C Trails - the Phase One plan for the trail has been ok'ed by the school board and Rob Dowis is working with Andy Macias to complete the grant application.

Marketing Our Story:  We looked over the narrative that Fr. Daniel and Faith Goodwin put together, noting the effort they put forth.  However, it was suggested that another piece be done that is more narrative in style that we could use to tell our story.  This one can possibly be used for fundraising.  The suggestion was made that each action team write a short personnel story which can we woven into the new narrative piece.  (Mary Lee has sent out an email to this end.)  The committee then decided upon King City as the town that we would engage and invite to hear our story.  Rick shared that it was up to us to host members of King City, have a meal and talk with them.  Fr. Daniel, Mary Lee and Sr. Sophia volunteered to spearhead this task and will share information as it is available.
Next Meeting:  Monday, January 9th, at the convent.  South entrance drive and parking. 

Respectfully submitted by Sr. Sophia Becker, OSB

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