Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Timeline of Tri-C Community Betterment Events


Outline of events 1994-2013

1994 --The Tri-C Community Development Organization was incorporated.

1994-2001 --They had sponsored the first community wide clean-up day in 1994 and had one annually until 2001. They now pay a share of the dumpster fee on clean-up day sponsored be the Tri-C Partners 4 Progress Community Action Renewal Team.

1994, 1995 and 1996 --They held a country music show at the American Legion Hall.

1994-2001 -- They held a Christmas lighting contest for the community and a drawing contest for the youth.

1995 --they cleared a hilly, weedy corner lot south of the Conception Jct. City Park and made a ball field.

1997 to present --They have held a bake goods walk and duck pond at the Parish carnival.

1998, and 1999 -- They made a walking track in Conception which was later expanded by the Coalition.

1999 -- They received a grant from DNR and matched it with funds from Dick Henry's memorial fund, donations from Nebs employees, and matching money from Nebs.

With this the Conception Jct. City Park was established with lots of volunteer help from the community.

2001-- They received a grant from the Messick Foundation, money from Jim Madden's memorial, and a donation from Jean Davis in memory of her husband, Dean, and with these funds they put up the picnic shelter at the Conception Jct. City Park.

2001 -- They bought 5 picnic tables for the shelter in the Conception Jct. City Park

2001—to present-- They sponsored the first Lollipop parade and have held one each year since.

They established a flower garden at each of the three towns.

2002 --- They helped the village of Clyde renovate the closed post office into a museum.

They were also instrumental in writing letters supporting the removal of the bridge on Hwy 136 just north of Conception Jct.

They pay a fourth of the share of the cost of the sacks of candy that are given to the children when Santa comes to the American Legion Hall at Christmas time.

They adopt a needy family at Christmas time. If they can't decide who to adopt they give the money to the pastor at St. Columba to use for those in need.

They hold a monthly card party for anyone who wishes to come on the 3rd Sunday of each month at the St. Columba Parish Hall.

Future plans are to take out the PVC pipe at the Conception Jct. City Park, pour rubber under all the playground equipment, and sod the rest of the park.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Cleanup in Conception Jct.

A big shout out to those who are cleaning up the area in Conception Jct.  It will look great once cleanup is complete.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Conception Jct. Park

Thank you to all those who provided the man and machine power it took to clean up the old foundation in the play ground area so that a new foundation could be poured.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Lollipop Parade

Tri-C Annual Lollipop Parade, September 8, 2013

Come one, come all to the Annual Tri-C Lollipop Parade!  The parade will be on Sunday, September 8.  The theme this year is This Land is Your Land to honor all in the agricultural business.   The Tri-C Community of Clyde, Conception, and Conception Junction have many farms, some managed by the same families for generations, and there are many others in the community who are in the agriculture business.

The Lollipop Parade will be held on Sunday, September 8, in Conception Jct. beginning at 3:00 p.m.  Participants and organizations in the parade are encouraged to dress and decorate themselves, their bikes, floats, etc. as those in the agri-business.  Dutch and Mary Luke, long-time farmers and members of the Tri-C Community, will serve as the parade’s Grand Marshals.

Those who wish to participate in the parade are asked to meet at 2:30 p.m. in front of the MFA of downtown Conception Jct.  The parade route will follow the highway then turn onto Berry Street and end at the park next to the American Legion.

Everyone gathered at the park will recite the Pledge of Allegiance, sing The Star Spangled Banner, and sing together “This Land is Your Land.”  Then the all-important, and highly-anticipated, final segment of the event will be the handing out of lollipops to anyone who goes down the big slide in the park. 

The St. Columba Parish Social will follow the Lollipop Parade festivities beginning at 4:00 p.m. in the church’s hall and parking lot.


Separate entry:

The Tri-C Community Development Organization will hold a bake sale at the Parish Social. Donations for this walk will be appreciated.

Baked goods can be left in the church hall anytime before 4:00 p.m. the day of the Parish Social.



Monday, July 22, 2013

Tri-C Area Wide Garage Sale

Tri-C Area wide garage sale sponsored by Tri-C Community Action Renewal Team (CART) scheduled for evening of Aug 9th and morning of Aug 10th.
Contact Jane Walter for information about getting on the Map. Your information for the Map is due by Aug 6th.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Heart of America Tractor Cruise

Planning for the 2013 Heart of America Tractor Cruise is already underway.  The date will be June 29, 2013, the last Saturday in June The featured tractor is the Case and the route will begin and end in Stanberry, MO at Northwest Implement. Please plan to join us and spread the word to all your friends.  A great day of fun and good will and support worthwhile causes.  Kids need angels like you!
See this site for more detail to come.  http://www.heartofamericatractorclub.com/ Heart of America Tractor Club

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tri-C Vision of the Future Survey 2013

You are invited to participate in this Tri-C Vision of the Future Survey conducted by the Tri-C Partners 4 Progress.
Importance of this survey:  Survey results will be made available to any Tri-C entity requesting data from it for use in writing grants or efforts to access funding for the community:  Tri-C Fire Department, Tri-C Community Betterment, Jefferson C-123 Educational Foundation, Tri-C Partners 4 Progress Tri-C Coalition(Teen Beat)  and  other project orientated groups in the Tri-C area.
Click on the link below to go to the online survey and help the Tri-C community area.

Many grants that could be written do much better if there has been research, discussion and data collection done.  We do not have any grant in mind at this point, but Teen Beat and the Tri-C Volunteer Fire Department sometimes looks for grants.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

April 22, 2013

Last signup date, April 22, 2013, for the Conception Abbey Run/Walk.

Thank You!

Tri-C CART would like to thank all the volunteers who worked at the dumpsters during the CART Clean-Up Day on April 13, especially the Jefferson High School students.  The monetary donations  is also greatly appreciated and will go towards the cost of renting the dumpsters. 

The Tri-C CART Committee also sponsored a Scavenger Hunt on Mar. 22.  Thanks to all who participated in the fun and fellowship, Jerri Fannon for making the delicious vegetable and potato soups, and Jefferson School for the use of the multi-purpose room and projector.  See video at Tri-C Partners 4 Progress Facebook.

Thank you from the Tri-C CART members: Amanda Cullin, Jerry Eckstein, Bob Fannon, Catharine Ginther, Millie Lepley, Wes McQueen, Fr. Daniel Petsche and Jane Walter.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Tri-C CART Clean-Up Day

Tri-C CART is sponsoring its Third Annual Clean-Up Day on Saturday, April 13, 2012, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Two dumpsters will be available: one in front of the American Legion Post in Conception Jct. and the other in Clyde near Dan’s Welding.  Get rid of old furniture, batteries, cans of old paint (lids sealed tightly), unsightly brush, appliances, electronics, etc.  Tires and siding are NOT accepted. 

The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Department will also collect any expired and unneeded prescription medications at the dumpster site in Conception Jct. from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m.

Community members and Jefferson High School students will be volunteering their time to help at the dumpsters.  Free will donations are welcome to help pay for the dumpsters.  Please call 660-944-2488 for more information or to volunteer.  Other volunteers are welcome.


Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Vision of the Future

A Vision of the Future

Tri-C Partners 4 Progress will sponsor a
Community Conversation Monday March 25, 2013

7 pm at Tri-Meadows.

Tri Meadows 34955 St. Hwy VV Conception Jct, MO
Please come join the discussion to promote the energy that would drive the Tri-C Community to improve in all 4 sectors of the Public Square: Education, Business, Health and Human Services, and Govemnment.