Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Partners Regional Conference February 16, 2012

The Tri-C Partners 4 Progress steering committee has taken the next step toward owning their local process by  completing part of phase III in the progress towards the goals for the Tri-C area that have been the fruit of individual interviews, surveys, two community conversations, and a vision retreat. This past week we hosted a regional conversation for the folks of King City. This was accomplished by inviting members of King City community to a dinner conversation catered by Carrie Eiberger on February 16th at the Eiberger building. 

This regional conversation was very beneficial to the Tri-C Partners 4 Progress steering committee.  Networking with like-minded individuals who believe rural Americans need to network to improve and maintain their rural heritage benefited both the King City group as well as the Partners. The King City Area and the TRI-C area agreed to promote each other's businesses.

Did you know that the Northwest Tourism group sponsors a day trip that includes the Clyde convent and the Conception Abbey?  A member of this group invited a couple of individuals from the Tri-C area to join their tourism group. What other attractions does the Tri-C area have that would cause a tour group to stop and observe?  What does the area have that could be improved to entice a tour group to stop and visit? For future planning, it might be worthwhile to brainstorm for some activity to take place on the day the tour group is in the Tri-C area. Possibilities would be to hold the Area Wide Garage sale on that day.

 Want to help brainstorm for ways to improve our rural corner of northwest Missouri? Contact one of the steering committee members:  Jane Pappert, Catharine Ginther, Fr. Daniel, Fr. Benedict, Sr. Sophia Becker, Melissa Wilmes, Hope Pappert, Faith Goodwin, Mary Lee Meyer, or Fr. Joel. Or contact a co convener of an action team.
Photos by Sr. Sophia at

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