Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 7, 2912 Action Team Reports

Team Reports:    August 7, 2012

a.      RAT:  Mary Lee submitted a report on a conversation with young adults in the community about reasons for remaining or moving back to the Tri-C area.

b.      CART:  Fr. Daniel noted that the committee is very engaged in planning the fall garage sale on Saturday, October 26.  In addition to the 8-noon sale, there will be food served afterward at the Legion Hall where businesses can also set up stands to sell their products or services.  Bob Fannon will supply music as well.

c.       TRAILS:  This project has met a snag that will have to be worked out.

d.       BAT:  The Business Team has decided to put up signs welcoming folks to the Tri-C area at either end of the towns on U.S. 136.  The signs would direct them to area businesses at the website: