Monday, December 17, 2012

Jefferson Student Spread Christmas Cheer

Jefferson C-123 K-12 students loaded on buses and went caroling in the community. They caroled at the Benedictine Convent at Clyde, the Conception Abbey infirmary and made stops at senior citizens homes.  Each elementary student had a junior high or high school partner.  Retired teachers, school support staff, and community individuals gathered to supervise this activity as teachers held a professional development meeting.  Every student participated even those recently injured and on crutches. When the students returned to the school they were met by Santa with treats. 

 Jane Walter and Bob Fannon of the Community Action Renewal Team provided the music accompaniment.   Photos provided by Stacey Mattson, paraprofessional at Jefferson.  For more photos see Stacey’s FB page or Tri Meadows FB page.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Locating Rural School Sites.

Jane Walter and Jerry Eckstein have the opportunity of working with a group of Nodaway County citizens to locate sites of rural country and early city schools and to erect signs at each location. The Nodaway County Historical Society estimates there are 210 such sites in Nodaway County. Jane and Jerry are working to locate schools in Jefferson Township.

This project is made possible by the Gladys Richard Estate grant money. Margaret Kelley, Phyllis Schimming and Lorna From are the core committee members working with residents of the 15 townships in Nodaway County since February 2012. The group is working to pinpoint, flag, contact landowners and erect signs at the site where each school originally was located. These signs will be erected at a site agreeable with the land owners and the road right-of-way.

If you have any photos or information that you would be willing to share the Tri-C Museum at Clyde and the Nodaway County Historical Society would be very interested in that information. Photos are easily scanned for sharing.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Photos of Tri-C Youth Business Celebration

Click on the link below to view the photos from the Oct. 6th event.  Thank you Mrs. Null and Mrs. Mattson for sharing these photos.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

October 26/27 Garage Sale Update

Who’s ready to get rid of their used but still in good condition items?  Who’s ready to find great bargains?  The 2nd Annual Tri-C Area Garage Sale has the answer to both questions!  Tri-C CART (Community Action Renewal Team) is once again sponsoring the community-wide garage sales.  This year it will be on a Friday, Oct. 26, 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 27, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.  The Tri-C Area includes the towns of Clyde, Conception, and Conception Jct.

Tri-C community members may host a garage sale at their residence, and CART will create a map pointing out the locations of each participating residence.  In addition, each garage sale will have a sign in front showing it is being sponsored by CART.  Each residence is asked to submit $5.00 to cover the cost of making the map, advertising, and signs.  Residences have the option of being open on Friday or Saturday or both days.

In addition, CART is organizing an opportunity for local vendors to show their products the morning of the 27th until 1:00 p.m.  Local vendors are invited to set up booths in the American Legion Hall in Conception Jct.  Food and live music will also be part of the day’s events over the noon hour.  Bring your lawn chair to use while listening to the music in the park.

These activities are part of an overall organizing effort of the Tri-C Area called Partners4Progress, geared to help people work together for the present and future well-being of the local community.
If interested or for more information, please contact Jane Walter at 660-944-2488.  Each residence hosting a garage sale is asked to register and submit their $5.00 by Oct. 22.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tri-C Area Web Page

Here is the new Tri-C area web page.
Visit often as more will be added. Tony Cordaro is the web master. Contact Tony if you want to have your business posted on the web page.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Mark Your Calendars

October 6, 2012 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P. M.
“Tri-C Youth and Business Celebration”
A joint effort between Tri-C Partners 4 Progress and the Jefferson School Foundation meant to celebrate the potential of Tri-C youth and the businesses activity in the Tri-C area.

October 27, 2012 Tri-C Area Wide Garage Sale Extravaganza
Sponsored by the Community Action Renewal Team (CART) -- Tri-C Partners 4 Progress.
In addition to residential garage sales (please register for garage sale map and promotional materials -5.00 fee - call Jane Walter (660- 944-2488), a noon hour food court and live entertainment along with local business booths will be available in the Conception Jct. Legion hall.


Be alert for more information for both of these events in the near future.


Sunday, September 2, 2012

Tri-C Lollipop Parade 2012

Theme:  In the Good Old Summer Time.
Grand Marshal:  Gilbert Buhman
Flag presentation by:  The Conception Jct. Legion
Pledge by: Frontier Girls of America
National  Anthem: Emily Mattson and Brooklyn Stoll
Sing along: Jane Walter, Matt Holtman and Kaity Holtman
Walker Auction provided PA and commentary
Thanks to all those who helped make this parade a success.
See photos by Stacey Mattson at the link below:


Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 7, 2912 Action Team Reports

Team Reports:    August 7, 2012

a.      RAT:  Mary Lee submitted a report on a conversation with young adults in the community about reasons for remaining or moving back to the Tri-C area.

b.      CART:  Fr. Daniel noted that the committee is very engaged in planning the fall garage sale on Saturday, October 26.  In addition to the 8-noon sale, there will be food served afterward at the Legion Hall where businesses can also set up stands to sell their products or services.  Bob Fannon will supply music as well.

c.       TRAILS:  This project has met a snag that will have to be worked out.

d.       BAT:  The Business Team has decided to put up signs welcoming folks to the Tri-C area at either end of the towns on U.S. 136.  The signs would direct them to area businesses at the website: 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tri-C Annual Lollipop Parade

Tri-C Annual Lollipop Parade will be held at 3:00 pm August 26, 2012. This year's theme is "Good Old-Fashioned Days.  Gilbert Buhman will serve as this years grand marshal.  Parade participants are encouraged to dress or decorate to the theme.  Participants are ask to meet in front of MFA at 2:30 pm in Conception Jct.  The parade will follow the highway and turn north on Berry street to gather at the park for music and the all important reward of a lollipop when braving the big slide at the park.  Come join the fun. 
Following the Lollipop Parade festivities, the St. Columba Parish Social will begin at 4:00 pm in the church hall with games in the parking lot.

Up Coming Garage Sale

The Community Action Renewal Team (CART)
This group is planning an area wide garage sale for this Fall.  Watch for flyers.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Steering Committee Meeting July 3rd

Action Team Reports – Steering Committee’s role is SUPPORT             

·         RAT – Still studying cyber camp for kids idea.

·         CART – July 23rd is Living History Day at King City. 
Cleanup was a great success.  Most all who contributed trash left a donation enough to comver expenses. 
Nodaway County deputy was present in Conception Jct. to collect old and unused prescription drugs.  Tri-C Community Coalition sponsored that part of the day.

·         Tri-C Trails—No more MODOT money for a trail.  Team is looking at doing the first section through local in-kind donations and a fundraiser to establish a walking track from the school to Conception Jct.  A Q&A document is available at the church and on the blog.  See in the right sidebar at

·         BAT—Held another business conversation.  Still looking at signage.

Next meeting Tueday August 7, 2012 Conception dining hall.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Community Event-Heart of America Tractor Cruise

Heart of America Tractor Cruise June 23, 2012 check this site for more information.

Notes for May 7, 2012 Partners 4 Progress meeting

    Action Team Reports:

a.       RAT:  Looking at a possible Youth Mission.  Resource Action Team checked into domain names for the BAT group.  BAT is looking at having a domain name for the Tri-C area.

b.      CART:  The 2nd Annual Yard Clean Up was successful and our donations met and exceeded the costs.  There were 22 kids form Jefferson School planned to work throughout the day.  Hotdogs and other foods were available and we filled two dumpsters with “stuff.”  The team is in the planning stages of a fall garage sale.

The business directory for the Tri-C area is available from CART members.  This business directory was brainstormed, designed, and created by CART.

c.       Tri-C Trails:  The team met and cleared up some misinformation.  The grant they put together was not submitted due to knowledge that funding was not available.  (This is much better than our grant proposal being denied!)  We are looking at alternative funding sources and trail materials.  We are also in the process of writing a letter to the larger Tri-C community to clear up some questions/concerns about the trail.

d.      BAT:  This team also hosted a conversation with a handful of local business owners.

   NEXT MEETING:  Tuesday June 5 at 7:30 in the Conception Abbey’s cafeteria.           

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

April Steering Committee Notes

Tri-C Partners 4 Progress
Steering Committee Notes
April 9, 2012

Tri-C Vision
A healthy community working towards a common good:
Building on untapped gifts, full potential of youth,
a sense of pride, and economic opportunities.
Pulling together for future generations.
Those Present: Fr. Benedict, Fr. Daniel, Sr. Sophia, Catharine Ginther, Jane Pappert, Kevin Lager, Rick Behrens and Mary Lee
Welcome & Reflections on Center for Rural Affairs piece:  Those who read the article felt it reflected with this group is trying to accomplish.  What does investment mean?  Most people feel that they are investing in some way.  How focused is our investment.  Good things happening in this last week or two: Easter with family and first communion.  Hope in the future—Family came to Abbey for Easter mass.                              
Action Team Reports – Steering Committee’s role is SUPPORT       

·         RAT met at 6:30 April 9, 2012 Discussed investment article.  Agreed this article should be read may all in the community. Reviewed our online discussion about involving youth.  Laura will check in to a youth at home mission. 

·         CART preparing for the second annual cleanup day. Fr. Daniel extended an invitation from Annette Weeks to attend the Northwest Enterprise Facilitation group’s meeting.

·         Tri-C Trails met to discuss other funding options.

·         BAT  met to discuss welcome signs and getting the business director into each community household.
Looking Ahead – Preparing for Phase 3 – Calendar
June 1 - Co-Conveners Named & Trained
July 1 (?) – Begin Phase 3 (Cost - $3500)  Members are currently seeking support from outside the community from companies that support rural communities.
Next Meeting  --- Monday May 7, 2012 at Clyde Convent 7:30 pm                                                                        

Bending and Reach Exercise/Gardening

The Conception flower garden surrounding the Conception sign is in need of tender loving care and some well placed roundup.
If you are a user of the walking track please feel free to do your stretching exercises such as bending and reaching to retrieve weeds at the Conception flower garden before your walk.

CART Cleanup Day

April 28, 2012
CART wants to thank the community for helping with cleanup day, either as a volunteer worker, contributor of trash or donations to help pay rent for the dumpsters or tipping fees.
It was a success.

Friday, March 30, 2012

March Steering Committee Notes

Tri-C Partners 4 Progress
Steering Committee Notes
March 5, 2012
Those attending: Fr. Benedict, Fr. Daniel, Fr. Joel, Catharine Ginther, Faith Goodwin, Jane Pappert, Hope Pappert, Melissa Wilmes, Mary Lee Meyer, and Rick Behrens.
Reflections: What inspired you about the regional conversation in King City?  Melissa was amazed at the work that has been done as the tri-fold of the second story.  Catharine impressed with the King City meeting. Fr. Daniel remarked about Anna Cook’s offer to help with input even at a later date.  Fr. Joel felt good about the whole meeting. Enjoyed the networking.  Hope liked the idea of them promoting us and we will promote them.  Mary Lee was impressed with the invitation that one or two of our group join the Northwest Tourism board. 
Hope reported that Jared Lane visited the Frost boys in CA and shared information about his experience.
*Need to exchange flyer information with King City. We need to find out when they have events to that we can support them.  Example—Living History Day.
Group reviewed the notes from the last meeting and looked at results of the six areas of the readiness survey for Phase 3. 
Also discussed was who is willing and qualified to act as co conveners? Fr. Benedict noted the lack of men on the Steering Committee.  It was also noted a lack of turnover with the group.
Action Team Reports:
Tri-C Trails team reported no money available from MODOT grants.
CART has scheduled an April 28, 2012 cleanup day.  Tri-C Coalition will pick up trash along the streets on March 23, 2012.  Fr. Daniel also had a copy of the business directory and the tri-fold of the second story.
BAT have been discussing habitat improvements.
RAT have been discussing ways to utilize under-utilized buildings and the possibility of a youth at-home mission.
Next meeting April 9, 2012 at the Abbey Dining hall.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Link Worth Reading

FR. Daniel sent me the following link.  This site has a number of articles listed in its right-hand side bar. a good read for Tri-C Partners 4 Progress steering committee. This one is about rural post-office closings This one is about jobs wind energy has produced in rural areas.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Partners Regional Conference February 16, 2012

The Tri-C Partners 4 Progress steering committee has taken the next step toward owning their local process by  completing part of phase III in the progress towards the goals for the Tri-C area that have been the fruit of individual interviews, surveys, two community conversations, and a vision retreat. This past week we hosted a regional conversation for the folks of King City. This was accomplished by inviting members of King City community to a dinner conversation catered by Carrie Eiberger on February 16th at the Eiberger building. 

This regional conversation was very beneficial to the Tri-C Partners 4 Progress steering committee.  Networking with like-minded individuals who believe rural Americans need to network to improve and maintain their rural heritage benefited both the King City group as well as the Partners. The King City Area and the TRI-C area agreed to promote each other's businesses.

Did you know that the Northwest Tourism group sponsors a day trip that includes the Clyde convent and the Conception Abbey?  A member of this group invited a couple of individuals from the Tri-C area to join their tourism group. What other attractions does the Tri-C area have that would cause a tour group to stop and observe?  What does the area have that could be improved to entice a tour group to stop and visit? For future planning, it might be worthwhile to brainstorm for some activity to take place on the day the tour group is in the Tri-C area. Possibilities would be to hold the Area Wide Garage sale on that day.

 Want to help brainstorm for ways to improve our rural corner of northwest Missouri? Contact one of the steering committee members:  Jane Pappert, Catharine Ginther, Fr. Daniel, Fr. Benedict, Sr. Sophia Becker, Melissa Wilmes, Hope Pappert, Faith Goodwin, Mary Lee Meyer, or Fr. Joel. Or contact a co convener of an action team.
Photos by Sr. Sophia at

Friday, February 17, 2012

February 6, 2012 meeting

Tri-C Partners 4 Progress Steering Committee Meeting
Monday, February 6, 2012, 7:30 p.m., Benedictine Sisters’ Monastery, Clyde
Present:  Rick Behrens, Mary Lee Meyer, Fr. Joel Derks, OSB, Jane Pappert, Catharine Ginther, Sr. Sophia Becker, OSB, Faith Goodwin, Fr. Daniel Petsche, OSB, Hope Pappert, Melissa Wilmes, Fr. Benedict Neenan, OSB (secretary)
Struggles we face:  Rick asked everyone to reflect on and share what struggles they believe our organization or community face.  A sample of comments:

a.      Getting people to step forward to commit to being involved.

b.      How do we reach out to people who don’t want to be involved?

c.       Fundraising on schedule.

d.      Fear of change.

e.      Keeping a vital community.

f.        Getting youth involved, especially at junior high level.

g.      More imaginative fund-raising and getting word out.

h.      Getting more local men involved.

i.        Getting our message out, through a better PR effort, newspapers, blog, etc.
Marketing:  Fr. Daniel showed the draft of the brochure that Jenny Huard in the Abbey Communications Office devised for the most recent narrative.  People were enthusiastic about it and we suggested an initial printing of 500.  There are an estimated 300 households in the Tri-C area.

 Regional Conversation:  The conversation with people from King City has been scheduled for:  Thursday, Feb. 16, at 6:30 p.m. in the Eiberger Building in King City. 

Next Meeting:  Monday, March 5 at 7:30 p.m. in the Dining Room at the Abbey.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Little Engine that Could…

(This is the second narrative of the work being done by the Tri-C Partners 4 Progress.)

Many years ago the railroads were the heart beat to thriving small communities like Clyde, Conception, and Conception Junction. The distant wail and rumble of the railroads are long gone, but the image of driving energy and purpose continues to be part of our heritage. Instinctively we know that without energy and movement our small communities will be a place without a future.

In November 2009 a small group of committed and concerned people of the area came together with the desire to rebuild a new sense of hope and pride. Like any railroad, we needed an engine, we needed fuel, and we needed tracks.

These people knew they needed help to begin and sustain such a large project. They decided to recruit the services of a consultant firm called Public Square Communities, LLC, which has a proven record of working with small communities to focus their vision and potential. (In 2009 our combined zip code totaled 1052 people.) With the guidance of these consultants, in February 2010, they established the Steering Committee.

The committee members conducted interviews and surveys around the Tri-C area, asking people to list the strengths and challenges of our communities. Strengths included the can-do attitudes and the qualities of cooperation, strong work ethic, and deep family traditions. But what about our future? No matter how glorious the past, people were concerned about economic stagnation and the loss of a stable young population who would stay and raise families in the area.

The task was challenging to be sure, much like building a railroad from scratch. We began by building the organization with the necessary pieces. That meant inviting people who represented the four essential sectors of a healthy community – education, government, business, and human services – to get on board. Soon a name emerged: we called ourselves Tri-C Partners 4 Progress.

We needed an awareness campaign to invite people throughout the community to learn about the project. We did this through a series of events: a pancake breakfast at the Legion Hall, a basketball tournament at the school organized by local youth, and public gatherings called Community Conversations. Gradually people began to realize that something was being built, even though they didn’t recognize it as an engine and a railroad.

In a vision retreat on October 30, 2010, representatives of the four sectors spent a day sharing the hopes and dreams voiced by community residents. We defined ourselves and our goals with a common vision statement:

A healthy community working towards a common good:
building on untapped gifts, full potential of youth,
a sense of pride, and economic opportunities.
Pulling together for future generations.

The train now had a direction and a goal, but it needed wheels on the ground. By the end of the day participants had signed up to serve in five action teams which addressed the major needs and goals:

Ø improving the physical appearance and maintenance of our towns,

Ø developing a safe and efficient walking/riding trail to connect our communities,

Ø identifying available local and government resources to help renew our communities,

Ø researching a business incubator located within our area, and

Ø exploring the possibility of a central multi-purpose community center.

The train was beginning to take shape.

The Community Action Renewal Team (CART) was able to begin immediate projects such as the spring Clean-Up Day, the fall Tri-C Garage Sale, and a business directory project in 2011.

It was a Saturday morning in May. The boys picked up pieces of metal from a yard, while nearby another truck arrived with cans, bottles, and appliances. Bright, clear sunshine warmed their backs, as a crisp breeze lifted the scent of new grass. Not far away, groups of men and women, teenagers and children, were helping people move unwanted items from their yards. Several of the volunteers were classmates from the Jefferson School. Some were from the Boy Scouts, the Teen Beat, or the FFA. Some were senior citizens. It was CART’s first community-wide Clean-Up Day. It wouldn’t be the last.

Likewise, in the spring of 2011, the Resource Action Team (RAT) arranged a meeting with the Nodaway County Economic Developer to provide information about local services. They created blogs for Tri-C Partners 4 Progress and the Jefferson Alumni Foundation. They created a Tri-C Resource web site (not yet public), and in December 2011, they hosted a session for small business owners to meet the regional facilitator of the Northwest Missouri Enterprise Facilitation group.

The Business Accelerator Team (BAT) has focused on promoting local businesses, holding a Business Community Conversation, and working with youth to help foster entrepreneurial/ business start up skills.

Tri-C Trails Action Team (Tri-C Trails) is working to create a safe walking/biking trail connecting the Jefferson School and the three communities. The team sponsored a booth at the 2011 Abbey Trails Health Fair to promote fitness and solicit opinions from members of the Tri-C area. With the volunteer help of a local engineer, they mapped a viable trail route, taking advantage of natural terrain to link key sites in the communities. They are now exploring funding options to take the initiative into the implementation stage, such as a possible grant from MODOT’s Safe Route to Schools program. The Jefferson School Board has approved the first phase connecting the school to Conception Jct.

A railroad needs a firm foundation. People need to know that coming on board to support new initiatives for the common good is truly an investment. It is an investment in the future for their children and their grandchildren. We are especially inspired by the involvement of the area youth as they become acquainted with goals of the action teams.

A railroad needs fuel to keep moving. From the beginning, Tri-C Partners 4 Progress realized that financial support would be needed to meet expenses such as consultation fees and action initiatives. So far, funding has come from local events as well as individual and corporate donors. Recruiting support has required on-going effort and commitment. We are convinced that as people become more aware of the project and its goals, they will choose to make an investment for the future.

We have miles to go yet. The train is just leaving the station, but our wheels are beginning to turn. Our energy is focused, our headlight is shining down the tracks, and people are getting on board. Tri-C Partners 4 Progress believes that inviting people to take charge of their future for the next generation is critical.

Sometimes the grade is steep, but we believe that the goal is worth the effort.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Growing Your Business

Tri-C Resource Team Meeting
December 3, 2012
Twelve individuals met on a rainy Saturday morning to discuss how to grow your business.  Annette Weeks, from the Northwest Enterprise Facilitation group, met to help small business owners in the area discuss how to grow their business.  Ms. Weeks has access to a board of volunteers from a 6 county area who work to help small businesses get started and/or solve some of their problems. The resource team served muffins, coffee, and juice.  Participants found they faced similar problems.  After the hour long meeting many stayed to network about business issues.

November Meeting of Tri-C Partners 4 Progress

The Steering Committee met on Monday, Nov. 28th at 7:30 in the Abbey's seminarian cafeteria.  In attendance were Rick Behrens, Fr. Benedict, Catharine Ginther, Mary Lee Meyer, Jane Walters, Fr. Joel, Jane Pappert, Fr. Daniel and Sr. Sophia.

The opening question posed was "What are you thankful for?"  Answers varied from community meetings and celebrations of jubilees to having nobody injured in the storm in August and recovery being underway; the trip to Great Bend; moving into new house and monastery; a good friend's wedding; vacation time and family; good weather that allows work to be done on buildings.

Conference Reports and Reflections:  Fr. Joel and Mary Lee shared their experiences of the conference in Great Bend and Tony submitted a written synopsis of his experience.  

Action Team Reports:  RAT - December 3rd meeting of new businesses in this area, "Growing Your Business."  CART - they are working on the business directories, hoping to have a competition among the youth for the best cover design.  BAT (Business Accelerator Team) - ideas on a window sticker that lets people know they are a "Tri-C Business Booster;" the team is focusing on working with youth to help foster entrepreneurial/business star up skills; Tri-C Trails - the Phase One plan for the trail has been ok'ed by the school board and Rob Dowis is working with Andy Macias to complete the grant application.

Marketing Our Story:  We looked over the narrative that Fr. Daniel and Faith Goodwin put together, noting the effort they put forth.  However, it was suggested that another piece be done that is more narrative in style that we could use to tell our story.  This one can possibly be used for fundraising.  The suggestion was made that each action team write a short personnel story which can we woven into the new narrative piece.  (Mary Lee has sent out an email to this end.)  The committee then decided upon King City as the town that we would engage and invite to hear our story.  Rick shared that it was up to us to host members of King City, have a meal and talk with them.  Fr. Daniel, Mary Lee and Sr. Sophia volunteered to spearhead this task and will share information as it is available.
Next Meeting:  Monday, January 9th, at the convent.  South entrance drive and parking. 

Respectfully submitted by Sr. Sophia Becker, OSB