Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tri-C Community Celebration September 28, 2014

September 28, 2014.  Tri-C Community Celebration.  100+ years of Community, Education and Faith. 
Be there.
In 1914 a community photo was taken.  That photo has surfaced and there is an effort to celebrate community by taking a 100 year photo.  There are some 400 people in the 1914 photo and some 200 of them have been identified by people who remember their grand or great grandparents. Old photos of ancestors have been resurrected to use in making comparisons for identifying those in the 1914 photo.  Tales are been exchanged, ancestors personalities and stories are remembered and shared.   Come help identify your relatives who helped build the Tri-C community.  Bring old photos and stories to share.  There may be an oral history booth to collect those remembrances. These would later be shared on a Tri-C history site.
The Jefferson C123 Educational Foundation reunion, the Lollipop Parade and the St. Columba parish festival are all to take place to help celebrate 100+ years of community, education and faith.
The annual Lollipop Parade sponsored by the Tri-C Area Community Development is being held at 12:30 pm.  Participates in the parade should be at the staging area at 11:30 pm near John Paul II formerly JFK on the Conception Abbey grounds.  Viewing of the parade will be in front of the basilica. Bring a lawn chair.  Lollipops will be handed out by Abe Lincoln to the children participating in the parade before the parade.  Those who want a lollipop after the photo op see Abe Lincoln aka Jerry Eckstein.
The 2014 photo is planned for 1:30 pm.  Anyone formerly and currently having any connection to the Tri-C area is encouraged to participate in this event.  A digital copy of this photo will be available free to those who leave contact information by registering at the Jefferson C-123 Foundation registration table.  Those wanting printed copies will need to discuss this possibility with those at the registration booth.
Following the parade and photo take advantage of a picnic, under the pines, of grill hamburgers or tenderloin provided by the local Knights of Columbus for a free will donation. Profits will be shared by the Jefferson C-123 Foundation, Knights of Columbus and American Legion. (All of these groups provide scholarships to the local Jefferson C-123 students.)
A tour of the Immaculate Conception Basilica will be available after the photo event.  The art is this church is museum worthy.  Many of us have lived here and not appreciated the treasures among us.
American Legion 464 members will be available to help with parking and answer questions. Golf cart transportation to and from parking areas will be available.
St. Columba parish festival will consist of games and other entertainment provided by community organizations.  Tickets for these activities will be available at individual booths. A bounce house will be available on the soccer field.
Come join the fun of community celebration.

Directions and questions may be sent to or or  Phone number 660 254-0033