Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Timeline of Tri-C Community Betterment Events


Outline of events 1994-2013

1994 --The Tri-C Community Development Organization was incorporated.

1994-2001 --They had sponsored the first community wide clean-up day in 1994 and had one annually until 2001. They now pay a share of the dumpster fee on clean-up day sponsored be the Tri-C Partners 4 Progress Community Action Renewal Team.

1994, 1995 and 1996 --They held a country music show at the American Legion Hall.

1994-2001 -- They held a Christmas lighting contest for the community and a drawing contest for the youth.

1995 --they cleared a hilly, weedy corner lot south of the Conception Jct. City Park and made a ball field.

1997 to present --They have held a bake goods walk and duck pond at the Parish carnival.

1998, and 1999 -- They made a walking track in Conception which was later expanded by the Coalition.

1999 -- They received a grant from DNR and matched it with funds from Dick Henry's memorial fund, donations from Nebs employees, and matching money from Nebs.

With this the Conception Jct. City Park was established with lots of volunteer help from the community.

2001-- They received a grant from the Messick Foundation, money from Jim Madden's memorial, and a donation from Jean Davis in memory of her husband, Dean, and with these funds they put up the picnic shelter at the Conception Jct. City Park.

2001 -- They bought 5 picnic tables for the shelter in the Conception Jct. City Park

2001—to present-- They sponsored the first Lollipop parade and have held one each year since.

They established a flower garden at each of the three towns.

2002 --- They helped the village of Clyde renovate the closed post office into a museum.

They were also instrumental in writing letters supporting the removal of the bridge on Hwy 136 just north of Conception Jct.

They pay a fourth of the share of the cost of the sacks of candy that are given to the children when Santa comes to the American Legion Hall at Christmas time.

They adopt a needy family at Christmas time. If they can't decide who to adopt they give the money to the pastor at St. Columba to use for those in need.

They hold a monthly card party for anyone who wishes to come on the 3rd Sunday of each month at the St. Columba Parish Hall.

Future plans are to take out the PVC pipe at the Conception Jct. City Park, pour rubber under all the playground equipment, and sod the rest of the park.